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Type: Tese
Title: Multimetodologia aplicada à gestão de resíduos sólidos em terminais portuários
Other Titles: Multimethodology applied to solid waste management in port terminals
Author(s)/Inventor(s): Versiani, Betina Maciel
Advisor: Mahler , Cláudio Fernando
Co-advisor: Lins, Marcos Pereira Estellita
Abstract: A análise envoltória de dados (DEA) tem se mostrado apropriada na avaliação de desempenho operacional portuária e seu emprego tem sido crescente nos últimos anos, embora restrita aos aspectos teóricos, sem a interação com os usuários. Esta tese desenvolve uma multimetodologia para avaliação de eficiência técnica e ambiental da gestão de resíduos sólidos nos terminais portuários do Porto de Santos. Com esse objetivo, o trabalho analisou 24 terminais portuários, no ano de 2015, com utilização do método DEA, quanto à movimentação de cargas em relação à infraestrutura disponível e à gestão de resíduos empregada. O resultado do modelo clássico revelou que cinco terminais de carga geral e sete de granel sólido estariam na fronteira de eficiência e, quando se aplicou a restrição aos pesos, quatro de cada cluster permaneceram na fronteira Pareto-eficiente. A análise quantitativa é formal e trata uma parte do problema, enquanto que a realidade é qualitativa. Assim, incorporou-se um mapa conceitual que explicita um conhecimento interno implícito. A multimetodologia proposta identifica os fatores envolvidos, incluindo os inconsistentes, inexistentes ou que não podem ser representados em uma base de dados. A integração dos métodos representa um importante subsídio para maior entendimento da influência da eficiência da gestão de resíduos na operação portuária para o processo decisório.
Abstract: Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has proven to be appnipnate in the operational performance assessment and its work has been increasing in recent years. although ii is restricted to theoretical issues WithoUt interaction with users. This thesis develops a multimethodologv for the evaluation of the technical and environmental efticiency of solid waste management in the terminals of the Poti of Santos. With this, the wnrk analyzed 24, in 2015, using DEA method as regards cargo handling to available infrastructure and the waste management employed. The result of the classic model revealed that five general load terminals and seven salid bulk terminals would be on the efficiency frontier, and when weight restriction was applied, four from each cluster remained on the Pareto-efficient frontier. Quantitative analysis is formal and addresses part of the problem, while reality is qualitative. Thus, a concept map was incorporated that explicitly implies an internal knowledge. The proposed mullimethodology identities the factors involved, including inconsistent, non-existent or unrepresentable factors in a database. The integration of the methods represents an important subsidy for a better understanding of the influence of waste management efficiency on port operations for decision making.Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has proven to be appnipnate in the operational performance assessment and its work has been increasing in recent years. although ii is restricted to theoretical issues WithoUt interaction with users. This thesis develops a multimethodologv for the evaluation of the technical and environmental efticiency of solid waste management in the terminals of the Poti of Santos. With this, the wnrk analyzed 24, in 2015, using DEA method as regards cargo handling to available infrastructure and the waste management employed. The result of the classic model revealed that five general load terminals and seven salid bulk terminals would be on the efficiency frontier, and when weight restriction was applied, four from each cluster remained on the Pareto-efficient frontier. Quantitative analysis is formal and addresses part of the problem, while reality is qualitative. Thus, a concept map was incorporated that explicitly implies an internal knowledge. The proposed mullimethodology identities the factors involved, including inconsistent, non-existent or unrepresentable factors in a database. The integration of the methods represents an important subsidy for a better understanding of the influence of waste management efficiency on port operations for decision making.
Keywords: Multimetodologia
Resíduos sólidos
Terminais portuários
Program: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil
Production unit: Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Publisher country: Brasil
Language: por
Right access: Acesso Aberto
Appears in Collections:Engenharia Civil

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