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Author(s)TitleIssue DateType
Loureiro, Juliana Braga Rodrigues; Freire, Atila Pantaleão SilvaVelocity and temperature profiles, wall shear stress and heat transfer coefficient of turbulent impinging jets19-Nov-2016Artigo
Loureiro, Juliana Braga Rodrigues; Freire, Atila Pantaleão SilvaSlug flow in horizontal pipes with transpiration at the wall24-Jun-2011Artigo
Loureiro, Juliana Braga Rodrigues; Freire, Atila Pantaleão SilvaFlow over riblet curved surfaces24-Jun-2011Artigo
Souza, José Roberto Brito de; Lisbôa, Kleber Marques; Bidgoli, Ali Allahyarzadeh; Andrade, Gino José Andrade de; Loureiro, Juliana Braga Rodrigues; Naveira-Cotta, Carolina Palma; Freire, Atila Pantaleão Silva; Orlande, Helcio Rangel Barreto; Silva, Guilherme Araujo Lima da; Cotta, Renato MachadoThermal analysis of anti-icing systems in aeronautical velocity sensors and structures12-Jan-2016Artigo
Loureiro, Juliana Braga Rodrigues; Freire, Atila Pantaleão SilvaExperimental Investigation of Turbulent Boundary Layers over Steep Two-dimensional Elevations24-Aug-2005Artigo
Loureiro, Juliana Braga Rodrigues; Freire, Atila Pantaleão SilvaTransient thermal boundary layers over rough surfaces5-Jan-2014Artigo
Loureiro, Juliana Braga Rodrigues; Alho, Alexandre Teixeira de Pinho; Freire, Atila Pantaleão SilvaThe numerical computation of near-wall turbulent flow over a steep hill18-Apr-2009Artigo
Bandeira, Francisco Jarmeson Silva; Gonçalves, Gabriel Farah Norões; Loureiro, Juliana Braga Rodrigues; Freire, Atila Pantaleão SilvaTurbulence and Bubble Break up in Slug Flow with Wall Injection28-Oct-2016Artigo
Magalhães, G. R.; Gonçalves, Gabriel Farah Norões; Loureiro, Juliana Braga Rodrigues; Freire, Atila Pantaleão SilvaAn experimental investigation of the effects of gas solubility on the properties of horizontal slug flow30-Oct-2012Artigo
Loureiro, Juliana Braga Rodrigues; Freire, Atila Pantaleão SilvaAsymptotic analysis of turbulent boundary-layer flow of purely viscous non-Newtonian fluids1-Jun-2013Artigo