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Type: Dissertação
Title: Aspectos étnicos na configuração da enfermagem moderna no Rio de Janeiro nos anos 20 e 30
Author(s)/Inventor(s): Sena, Antonia Regina Messias Fernandes
Advisor: Barreira, Ieda de Alencar
Abstract: Estudo de natureza histórica e de abordagem qualitativa, tem como objeto a inserção de mulheres negras no corpo discente da Escola Anna Nery, suas dificuldades vividas na pré-seleção, na admissão e no âmbito escolar, provenientes do preconceito racial. O estudo abrange os anos 20 e 30,período que corresponde à predominância de enfermeiras estrangeiras na direção da instituição. Os objetivos traçados são: descrever as dificuldades de ingresso de mulheres negras/mestiças no corpo discente, nos primórdios da escola, analisar as dificuldades de inserção de mulheres negras/mestiças no corpo discente, nos primórdios da escola e discutir as circunstâncias que possibilitaram que algumas mulheres negras/mestiças viessem a se diplomar pela EAN. A análise de documentos escritos e fotográficos acrescidos de depoimentos me levam a afirmar que na EAN havia práticas veladas de racismo, e as moças negras/mestiças que lograram entrar na escola tiveram que romper amarras e transpor barreiras.
Abstract: Study was accomplished in the social history perspective and has as purpose the acess of negress women into the students staff of Anna Nery Nursing School, coming from the racial prejudice. Theincludes the years of 20 and 30, period that correponds to the foreign nurses predominance in the direction of the institution to coordinate and to direct the 'study, objectives were elabored such as the description of the difficulties of the entrance of negress and mestizo women into the students staff, in the beginning of the school. The analysis of the difficulties of this admission and the discussion of the circumstances that made possible the graduation of some negress and mestizo women in the Anna Nery Nursin School. The written and photografic documents used to make the research belong to the Documentation Center of Anna Nery Nursing School's heritage, two alumnae's statements were also taken. The analysis of those primary sources, as well as of the pertinent literature made evident the existence of racism pratics more or less hidden. From this way the negress and mestizo women that achieved to enter the school had to break the chains and cross over the obstades to graduate themselves. Despite of this negress women alumnae emphasized the importance of having obtained the nursin diploma for their lives' history.
Keywords: Preconceitos sociais
História da enfermagem
Program: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem
Production unit: Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher country: Brasil
Language: por
Right access: Acesso Aberto
Appears in Collections:Enfermagem

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