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Type: Trabalho de conclusão de especialização
Title: Estudo de um projeto sísmico no campo de Borburata, Bacia Barinas-Apure
Author(s)/Inventor(s): Acquaviva, André de Ávila
Advisor: Almeida, Leonardo Fonseca Borghi de
Co-advisor: Gomes, Álvaro Lúcio de Oliveira
Abstract: Esta monografia tem por objetivo mostrar como o método sísmico pode ser utilizado para estudar a geologia de subsuperfície de uma bacia sedimentar brasileira. Para tanto, é apresentada primeiramente uma descrição da geologia das bacias Potiguar e Ceará. Em seguida, é descrito o procedimento de aquisição e processamento dos dados sísmicos. Finalizando esse estudo, são apresentados dois trabalhos em que o método sísmico foi importante para o estudo de uma das bacias citadas.
Abstract: The main objective of this study was to analyze a work made in the Field of Borburata, Barinas-Apure Basin, in Venezuela. The work used a seismic method applied to a survey 3D3C, aiming to identifying and imaging breakings, for a carbonate reservoir. This in the attempt to estimate the orientation and densities of the breakings, for a carbonate of 100m of thickness, 3000 m/s average speed and that it is, aproximately, 3000m deep. The area used for the acquisition was of, approximately, 25 Km² was used 13 lines of shots and 8 lines of receivers. The processing was based on a linear moveout, and a pos-stack migration, amongst other tools. For being a structurally simple area it did not have many differences between pre and pos stack migration, pos-stack migration was chosen as it occupies a smaller storage area. Some atributes were used in the interpretation, mainly the geometric one, thus, maps of atributes were stablished, were the interpretation shoed differences between PP and Ps data. For the case being studied, where a better lateral resolution was seered, PS data showed to be more useful. A principal north-south orientation fault was found, and a discontinuity, this is due to a NE-SW orientation fault was found, and a discontinuity, this is due to a NE-SW orientation fault which appared after Andes uplift.
Keywords: Método sísmico
Bacia Potiguar
Bacia do Ceará
Program: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia
Production unit: Instituto de Geociências
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Issue Date: Mar-2007
Publisher country: Brasil
Language: por
Right access: Acesso Aberto
Appears in Collections:Geofísica do Petróleo

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