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Especie: Relatório
Título : Using robust portfolios techniques in emerging markets
Autor(es)/Inventor(es): Leal, Ricardo Pereira Câmara
Mendes, Beatriz Vaz de Melo
Resumen: Indisponível.
Resumen: Financial data are heavy tailed containing some proportion of extreme observations. We propose to use a robust covariance estimator to define the center and orientation of the data. We provide an illustration of the usefulness of the proposed procedure to efficiently allocate among emerging stock markets. We show that the resulting robust portfolios may yield higher cumulative returns and have more stable weights. We strongly recommend that a robust covariance matrix is used to solve emerging stock markets allocation problems. We believe that our technique has a key advantage. Because all we change is the covariance matrix, we can use any commercially available optimizer to obtain robust portfolio weights.
Materia: Finanças
Títulos (Finanças)
Working paper
Unidade de producción: Instituto COPPEAD de Administração
Editor: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Es parte de: Relatórios COPPEAD
Número: 357
Fecha de publicación: 2003
País de edición : Brasil
Idioma de publicación: eng
Tipo de acceso : Acesso Aberto
ISBN: 8575080482
ISSN: 1518-3335
Citación : LEAL, Ricardo Pereira Câmara; MENDES, Beatriz Vaz de Melo. Using robust portfolios techniques in emerging markets. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 2003. 18 p. (Relatórios COPPEAD, 357).
Aparece en las colecciones: Relatórios

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