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Especie: Trabalho de conclusão de graduação
Título : Strategic planning as a tool for decision making at an english language school: a study case
Otros títulos: Planejamento estratégico como uma ferramenta para tomada de decisão numa escola de inglês: um estudo de caso
Autor(es)/Inventor(es): Lopes, Thiago da Silva
Tutor: Lima, Thiago Gomes de
Resumen: Strategic Planning has been used since 1950 in the business world. It went through many different transformations so that it does not become old fashioned. In his research, key factors to build up an assertive strategic planning will be analyzed, for instance, industry data, company records and government issues. A good strategic planning may drive the company way quicker and more accurate towards its mission and vision established by the company itself. The main objective of this research is to analyze through case study methodology how a language English school makes its own strategic planning using tools used at strategic management, such as: SWOT Analysis, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Strategic Map, 5W2H, Business Model Canvas, Five Forces of Porter, and Income and Balance Statement. Some key initiatives were found recommended for the company studied, for instance: internationalization, development of own material, and development of technology regarding the metaverse so that a broader share of market can be tackled. It was concluded that the company uses the strategic planning tools, especially, to pivot whenever necessary despite the competitive language learning market. The study showed two of the tools were more used towards the strategic planning development, that was, the SWOT Analysis and the Balanced Scorecard. It was also identified that the 5W2H tool could have been used even more once the action plan was defined it is considered to be a stage of great relevance for the strategic planning.
Materia: Planejamento estratégico
Análise SWOT
Balanced scorecard
Strategic planning
Unidade de producción: Instituto Politécnico
Editor: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Fecha de publicación: 2022
País de edición : Brasil
Idioma de publicación: eng
Tipo de acceso : Acesso Embargado
Citación : LOPES, Thiago da Silva. Strategic planning as a tool for decision making at an english language school: a study case. 2022. 69 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Produção) - Instituto Politécnico, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Macaé, 2022.
Aparece en las colecciones: Engenharia de Produção

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